La realtà e' comunista
Reality Check
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Blogs for free Tibet: aderite copiosi
Ininfluenza globale
Nazi chic
"G. Tingey, you know how big the average islamicist cell grows in the UK? 10 members. Not because they're enforcing need-to-know and deliberately keeping their cells small, but because that's how big they grow before one of their recruits shops them to the police in disgust.
Yes, they're a menace, but they're a minor menace as long as they lack a head and a nervous system. They can cause local casualties but they're not in a position to join up and wage an insurgency like the pIRA, unless we (meaning: you, me, the police, the government, everyone else) so alienate the ordinary non-radical muslims of the UK that they stop ratting out the head-cases.
In the long term, they're doomed, anyway. It's very much rarer for the child of mainstream atheists to turn into a god-bothering fundy than it is for a god-bothering fundy's children to turn into assimilated atheists. As long as we provide a society that encourages social mobility and mixing and keeps religion (all religion) way the hell outside the public sphere, the pressure will stay on them. This, incidentally, is a good reason for opposing faith schools, bishops in the House of Lords, and that idiocy about citizenship and oaths of alliegance: anything that raises a barrier to them identifying with the rest of us is perilous in the long term (and that citizenship oath thing? Makes me want to spit -- and I'm a third-generation child of immigrants who served in the military in both world wars)."
Punk Dinner
Ieri sera mi sono visto Persepolis, il film d'animazione tratto dal fumetto (mi rifiuto di usare la locuzione Graphic Novel) di Marjane Satrapi. Tramite la vicenda dell'autrice, una ragazzina di famiglia borghese progressita cresciuta nell'Iran a cavallo della rivoluzione del '79, il film narra la rivoluzione iraniana, la distruzione del Tudeh, la repressione successiva alla rivoluzione, la guerra con l'Iraq vista dal "fronte interno" e - sopratutto - la delusione di chi aveva creduto che la fine dello Sha significasse l'approdo dell'Iran alla democrazia. Il film e' assolutamente splendido e da vedere.